PPBF – The Water Princess

This past Tuesday was International Day of the Girl.   To help celebrate, two Perfect Picture Book Friday bloggers, Patricia Tilton at Children’s Books Heal and Vivian Kirkfield at Picture Books Help Kids Soar, highlighted two wonderful books about Mighty Girls. These reviews, and my recent purchase of an autographed copy of today’s book, spurred me to feature it as a Perfect Picture Book.

9780399172588_p0_v1_s118x184Title: The Water Princess: Based on the Childhood Experience of Georgie Badiel

Written By: Susan Verde

Illustrated By: Peter H. Reynolds

Publisher/date: G.P. Putnam’s Sons (Penguin Young Readers Group)/ 2016

Suitable for Ages: 5-8

Themes/Topics: Africa, drinking water, women’s work

Opening: “I am Princess Gie Gie. My kingdom…the African sky, so wide and so close.”

Brief Synopsis: Inspired by the childhood of model Georgie Badiel in Burkina Faso, The Water Princess follows Princess Gie Gie as she trudges on a long journey to obtain clean drinking water.

Links to Resources:

  • Learn about access to water and water-related issues, including how a school, classroom or family can help provide clean water for communities that lack it. 
  • Describe your typical day; describe Gie Gie’s day. Compare and contrast your day with Gie Gie’s day: what does she do that you don’t? what is the same?
  • Discuss why you think Gie Gie is a princess.

Why I Like this Book:

The Water Princess is a gentle rendering of a very difficult subject: the lack of clean, drinking water in too many parts of the world, and the disproportionate burden this places on girls and women. And while adults and even many children know the reality of water scarcity in other parts of the world, as we awaken with Gie Gie and walk step by step to the well, we learn much more than the mere facts of the problem; we learn the personal costs as well.

Peter Reynolds’ earth-toned illustrations help draw us into Gie Gie’s arid world. He depicts her with corn-rowed hair, bracelets and earrings. She appears every bit like the princesses we think of when we hear that term. And like these princesses, we learn she has a kingdom and rules animals and nature in her realm. But, she cannot “make the water come closer”, or the “water run clearer.” As she rises before day break to start the journey to the distant well she is, alas, “too sleepy to put on my crown.” Instead, a pot rests on her braids. As it rests on the braids of too many girls and women today. Thankfully, the story ends with Princess Gie Gie’s dream: that someday clean drinking water will be near.

A Note about Craft:

By telling the story in first person, Ms. Verde draws the reader immediately into the story. We experience Gie Gie’s world as she walks through it, step by step.  We learn of her likes and dislikes, her powers, and that which she yearns to control. This first-person perspective brings immediacy as well as helps build empathy for the girl-child who would rather don crown than pot, would rather dance and play with friends than draw water, who dreams of “flowing, cool, crystal-clear water” nearby. “Someday…”

The collaborative team uses an Afterward to great effect as they ask readers to “imagine” life without water, share the true story of Georgie Badiel and the summers spent in her grandmother’s village hauling water, the scope of the problem, and links to the Ryan Wells Foundation  and the Georgie Badiel Foundation, both of which build and help maintain wells.

This Perfect Picture Book entry is being added to Susanna Hill’s Perfect Picture Books list. Check out the other great picture books featured there!

12 responses to “PPBF – The Water Princess

  1. Cathy Ballou Mealey

    Must get this book ASAP! Nice review.

  2. This ties in perfectly with Tuesday’s celebration. I can’t way to see this book as it has been receiving such stellar reviews.

    • The stellar reviews are well-deserved. I found it in the local library, and bought a copy afterwards, as I want to have the book on my shelves for future grandchildren. I only hope the issues highlighted will be history by the time they read it.

  3. I finally read this last week. It’s a beautiful book worth reading over again.

  4. I checked out this book last week from the library. I was amazed at the distance mother and daughter had to travel for water. As Joanne Roberts said in the previous comment, It’s a beautiful book worth reading over again. And that is what I will do before returning this gem to the library.

  5. I am delighted you loved the book. It is such a compelling story and the illustrations just breathtaking. I really enjoyed your thoughtful activities. It does go perfectly with International Day of the Girl. And, thank you for mentioning my review for that day.

  6. Waiting for it. Can’t wait to read it. So important to give kids insight into other parts of the world.

  7. I love this book! Such a beautiful message and striking style!

  8. Pingback: PPBF – I Am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness | Wander, Ponder, Write

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