PPBF – Emma Full of Wonders

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers, grandmothers, and mother figures who are reading this post!

Regular readers know that I’m a pup lover and mum. But you may not know that I also am a pup grandmother. Nor could you know that my grand pup just welcomed a tiny human sister to our family. As I fill my granddaughter’s bookshelves, you can be sure that many of those picture books will feature puppies, like today’s Perfect Picture Book!

Title: Emma Full of Wonders

Written & Illustrated By: Elisha Cooper

Publisher/Date: Roaring Brook Press/2024

Suitable for Ages: 3-6

Themes/Topics: motherhood, dogs, anticipation, wonder, hope, love


Emma was a large dog with many small dreams.

Brief Synopsis: A large dog dreams of many small wonders that appear by story’s end.

Links to Resources:

  • See how Cooper draws Emma;
  • What are you looking forward to? How can you prepare for that event?
  • What are your favorite things to do, eat, or see? Write a short poem or draw a picture of one or more of your favorite things;
  • Discover facts about dogs and pregnancy.

Why I Like this Book:

Using few words and kid-relatable actions in this gentle introduction to the wonders of pregnancy and birth, Cooper shows how Emma, a dog, anticipates the arrival of puppies. Because of its low word-count, Emma Full of Wonders is a great story to share with young children anticipating a new sibling or cousin. There are many opportunities to pause, to count the pups that Emma imagines in the early spreads and raises in the last spreads, and to discuss the wonders of birth and nature.

Emma Full of Wonders is a book to read and reread, as much of the storyline appears in the illustrations only. I look forward to reading future books about Emma and her brood.  

A Note about Craft:

In three almost-wordless spreads, Cooper shows Emma giving birth to the pups, including the emergence of one from the birth canal. I love how this pause in the text enables adult readers to discuss the birthing process as they deem appropriate for their child’s level of understanding, and enables children to ask questions.

This Perfect Picture Book entry is being added to Susanna Hill’s Perfect Picture Book list. Check out the other great picture books featured there!

4 responses to “PPBF – Emma Full of Wonders

  1. Your wonderful review of this book has me looking forward to checking out a copy and enjoying all the wonders Emma discovers.

  2. I love that opening line! And what a wonderful book for kids who normally don’t get to experience life’s amazing beginnings in the animal world (something I was luck enough to experience firsthand while growing up on a farm).

  3. Maria Marshall

    What a fun cover and I agree w/ Jilanne, a great opening line. I too am looking forward to finding it at my library and checking out the wordless spreads. Sounds like a great book!

  4. This book sounds very kid relatable and unique. The illustrative style of the cover is very interesting and makes me want to turn the page. Thank you for sharing. ♥️

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